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Title Plan Authorsort ascending Type of Assignment
Using FreeMind to Draft Controversy Maps

Sarah Frank

In-class Exercise
Using and analyzing images: Public transportation


Class Discussion
Using Juxta to Compare Editions

Nicole Gray

In-class Exercise
Using Twitter for Class Reading and Participation

Michael Roberts

Homework Assignment, Semester-long Project
Using Google Drive for Collaborative Bias Analysis

Meredith Coffey

In-class Exercise
Using Inform7 to Make Procedural Arguments

Matt King

Homework Assignment
Using Music Videos to Explore Historiography

Laura Thain

In-class Exercise
Using the DWRL's Viz. Blog to Teach Analysis, Tone, and Invention

Katherine Cox

Class Discussion
Using Facebook to Review Local & Global Argument Types & Rhetorical Appeals

Julia Delacroix

Class Discussion, In-class Exercise
Using Google Maps with Alternative Learners

Jay Voss

Semester-long Project
Using an Annotated Bibliography to Teach Basic Research Skills

Jay Voss

Homework Assignment
Using Flag Burning to Teach Icons, Symbols, and Speech Acts

James B. Wiedner

Class Discussion, In-class Exercise, Homework Assignment
Using Storify to Analyze Poetry

Jake Ptacek

Major Course Project
Using Music To Teach Sound Citation

Jake Cowan

In-class Exercise
Using Mind-Maps to Make Modular Arguments, MASS EFFECT Style

Chris Ortiz y Prentice

In-class Exercise
Using MASS EFFECT 1 to Teach “Critical Situations”

Chris Ortiz y Prentice

In-class Exercise
Using Photoshop to Create Persona-Avatars for Class Blog

Chris Ortiz y Prentice

In-class Exercise, Homework Assignment
Using Prezi to Tour Course Syllabus

Cate Blouke

Class Discussion
Using Debates to Teach Rhetorical Analysis

Casey Sloan

Class Discussion, In-class Exercise, Homework Assignment
Using Comment Walls to Practice Rebuttal

Casey Sloan

In-class Exercise, Homework Assignment
Using Prezi for Outlining Papers

Aubri Plourde

In-class Exercise, Homework Assignment
Using TV Tropes to Teach Narrative Devices

Ashley Squires

Class Discussion, In-class Exercise, Homework Assignment