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Author Titlesort ascending Posted Rating
Laura Thain Drawing Logos 5 years ago 49.7044
Rosen Distributed Peer Review 5 years ago 54.039000000000001
Scott Nelson Disputing YouTube Content ID Takedowns 5 years ago 53.1522
Meredith Coffey Digital/Physical Library Scavenger Hunt 4 years ago 55.1619
Scott Nelson Diagnosing Digital Literacy via Student-generated Avatars 6 years ago 56.9444
Wall Designing an Online Commenting System 6 years ago 53.7791
LeMieux Defamiliarized Keyboards and Embodied Writing 5 years ago 52.2394
detweiler Creating Visual Models of Rhetorical Concepts with Adobe Illustrator 6 years ago 54.9888
Roberts Creating OED Word Constellations 6 years ago 52.1378
Anonymous (not verified) Creating Individual "Infospheres" on the Web 6 years ago 56.5476
