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Using TV Tropes to Teach Narrative Devices

Using the wiki TV Tropes encourages students to think about how issues arise across media

Incorporating TV Tropes (a wiki that catalogues narrative devices used across a variety of media) into your discussion of literary devices and encouraging students to talk about how narrative techniques across different genres and forms of media can assist in making these concepts intelligible and "real" to them. 

Collocating and Word Choice Using Madlibs

students generate a template for a game in which they learn new words and collocations from their partners

Students use an online resource to learn some common ways that writers use a few "hard words". Then, with the children's game Madlibs serving as a model, students generate a template for a game in which they learn new words and collocations from their partners.

Mapping a Controversy Using Dipity Timelines

Students map the sources from a controversy they have researched

In this lesson, students created Dipity timelines that allow them to integrate multi-media content into a temporal-sequential order.  Taking the sources from their first essay, students reflect on the benefits of the multimedia/chronological presentation.

Google Docs - Crowd-Sourcing an Annotated Bibliography

Using Google Docs, students create a bibliography page to practice summarizing

Using GoogleDocs, students create a group bibliography page to practice summarizing and evaluating a source. They then engage in an informal presentation of their source to the class.

Mapping Poetic Word Choice to Discover Literary Themes

Creating a mindmap of key words can yield a list of important themes

The assignment allows students to discuss their literary close-reading essays with each other, while also attempting to coordinate those close-readings with larger thematic issues discussed in class. The idea is to use individual words to learn more about global concerns in a literary text.

Google Mapping Travel Narratives: Lolita

Students use Google mapping software to track the characters' journey jo

This assignment asks students to engage in an uncommon form of literary analysis, where the goal is to determine the significance of location and travel in the novel. The entire class collaborates in creating a Google map of all of the places that Humbert Humbert travels to in Lolita.

Remixing Materials from the Public Domain

Students learn about literary and rhetorical aspects of juxtaposition

During the workshop-style lesson, students will learn about the literary and rhetorical aspects of selection and juxtaposition. This assignment introduces students to ways of finding public domain music and audio clips of literary and rhetorical value.

Diagnosing Digital Literacy via Student-generated Avatars

class avatars

This assignment is purposefully simple because its serves as a diagnostic for students' levels of functional digital literacy in programs like Photoshop and Jing. It also serves to familiarize some students with these programs, and with the processes necessary for maintaining their class blogs.

Wordle as a Tool for Research and Invention

sample wordle

This is a short assignment using the free text visualization software, Wordle, to help students find keywords for researching their chosen topics.

Creating Individual "Infospheres" on the Web

Infospheres are like personal tapestries of information

The infosphere assignment calls on students to identify online sources of information they regularly take in and to create a representative structure for this information. Students must build their own unique infospheres and organize them as they see fit.

Close Reading Through Interactive Storytelling

students create games based on scenes or passages from a novel

In this assignment, my students used a game-authoring platform called ARIS (Augmented Reality and Interactive Storytelling) to create augmented reality games based on scenes or passages from novels studied in our course.

Tracing Memes in Storify

A man pins pages to a white wall. To his right, "Storify" is defined.

In this assignment, students use the free online program Storify to track the life of a meme by combining elements pulled from social and news media sources. 

Twitter in the Classroom: Observations and Analysis

My class used Twitter for a few general purposes & for two specific assigments

My class used Twitter for a few general purposes and then for two specific assignments. For our general goals, we used Twitter to share resources among one another and to familiarize ourselves with various conversations that are important to people in the digital humanities.

Teaching Context (Juxtaposition) with Video Mash

Students juxtapose two YouTube videos for a lesson on context

By doubling a class text video with another seemingly unrelated video, students learn about how context (or juxtaposition) can affect a text's meaning. 

Procedural Rhetoric: Analyzing Video Games

Screen shot of September 12 Video Game Instructions

This activity asks students to practice rhetorical analysis with reference to Ian Bogost's understanding of "procedural rhetoric." This mode of rhetoric focuses on the ways that procedures, processes, logics, and rules can be expressive and persuasive.

Using Inform7 to Make Procedural Arguments

Interactive fiction project using Inform7 focusing on environmental issues.

My students had been studying communities of their choice all semester. For the last unit, I asked them to contribute their perspective on their communities in two ways: first, in a more traditional editorial-length argument, and then through an interactive, procedural text using Inform7.

Jump-Start Your Rhetoric Class with Text Visualization Software

A word-cloud on education

This user-friendly activity has students do some informal free-writing in response to an educational film, then reflect on their writing using "word cloud" freeware.

Essay Revision with Automated Textual Analysis

This assignment uses Voyeur to analyze of word frequencies and word distribution

This assignment uses Voyeur to analyze word frequencies and word distribution in student writing to help students see the paper’s thesis and how the argument progresses without reading the paper.

Composing Tutorials for Navigating Databases

Students write short manuals outlining how to use databases

RHE 306 group work: Students write short manuals outlining how to use databases (LexisNexis, Infotrac Newsstand, Academic One File, Opposing Viewpoints, Google/Wikipedia).

Chronological Annotated Bibliography Using Dipity

Annotated Bibliographic Timeline of The UC Davis Pepper Spray Incident

Using the free digital timeline website, Dipity, students can organize and annotate their sources chronologically.  This enables students to visualize the sequence of events and better address how particular texts interact with or talk past each other.


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