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Author Title Postedsort ascending Rating
Delacroix Using Facebook to Review Local & Global Argument Types & Rhetorical Appeals 6 years ago 54.5276
gerdes Comparing Summaries on a Class Wiki 6 years ago 53.3735
Cate Blouke Teaching Ethos Using Online Dating Profiles 6 years ago 49.9026
RMazique Analyzing Visual Arguments 6 years ago 55.8566
RMazique Pre-Writing: Surveying Expectations on the First Day of Class 6 years ago 55.012099999999997
Schultz Using and analyzing images: Public transportation 6 years ago 54.6402
Jenny Howell Introducing iMovie 6 years ago 52.4005
Bohmann Rebuttal Sparring 6 years ago 54.012300000000003
Roberts Creating OED Word Constellations 6 years ago 52.1378
Battistelli Collaborative Web Page Annotations With Diigo 6 years ago 54.8529
