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Author Title Postedsort ascending Rating
Rosen In-Class Writing / Digital Midterm 6 years ago 55.2041
herbly Instructions for Daily Blogging of Class Readings 6 years ago 52.3204
Cate Blouke Browse 6 years ago 0
mcginnis Video Conferencing in the Classroom 6 years ago 51.9892
alyea Special Topics Blog Post and Presentation 6 years ago 52.4356
OyP Procedural Enthymeme with Inform7 6 years ago 53.8168
Bloom Collaborative Annotated Bibliography with a PBWorks Wiki 6 years ago 54.7248
Wall Designing an Online Commenting System 6 years ago 53.7791
gianfagna Visualizing Word Choice with Lexipedia 6 years ago 51.7416
Cate Blouke Browse Plans 6 years ago 0
