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Multimedia Presentation

Using Storify to Analyze Poetry

Screenshot of Storify page, with YouTube video of "The Second Coming"

Students often conceptualize poems as monolithic objects from the past.  This lesson plan helps encourage them to visualize and conceptualize the content and influence of a poem in different registers.

Prototyping Procedural Rhetoric

Atari joystick

Using procedural, verbal, visual and aural rhetoric, students work in teams on a multimedia presentation that outlines a video game prototype and the ways it makes arguments.

Introductory Rhetoric Course - Final Multimedia Presentation

Cartoon image by Ben Sargent titled "Academic Assembly"

A five-minute multimedia presentation showcasing skills developed over the entire semester: summary, analysis, and refutation/rebuttal of a position in a student's chosen controversy.

Chronological Annotated Bibliography Using Dipity

Annotated Bibliographic Timeline of The UC Davis Pepper Spray Incident

Using the free digital timeline website, Dipity, students can organize and annotate their sources chronologically.  This enables students to visualize the sequence of events and better address how particular texts interact with or talk past each other.

Designing an Online Commenting System

A cluster of red, green, and purple grapes, with pictures of celebrities on them

In this group project, students design a commenting system or other forum/method for conversation within a website, matching the system to the particular rhetorical goals of the site.  Groups present their systems in a presentation and are required to turn in two documents: a visual representation of the conversatio

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