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Historical Approaches to Literary Criticism Using Internet Archive Videos

student groups analyze the use of “utopian” themes in a 1937 Ford Commercial

For one class, student groups analyze the use of “utopian” themes in a 1937 Ford Motor Company commercial, then compare this to specific elements of Huxley’s dystopian satire.

Teaching Context (Juxtaposition) with Video Mash

Students juxtapose two YouTube videos for a lesson on context

By doubling a class text video with another seemingly unrelated video, students learn about how context (or juxtaposition) can affect a text's meaning. 

Special Topics Blog Post and Presentation

Students present blog post to the class

Once students in my literature class achieve a basic skill set in textual analysis, I require them to take the reins of the course by providing the class with a blog post on the upcoming reading and presenting their findings to the class.

Visualizing Word Choice with Lexipedia

Screen Shot of Lexipedia software

This assignment focuses on using a visual thesaurus to illustrate the nuanced relationships among words that the list form of the traditional thesaurus glosses over.


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